Fast Fred Travels - Plan Your Peru Trip

Fast Fred Travels - Budget & Travel Tips for Peru
Tips for Planning Your International Trip and Staying on Budget

I am Fast Fred Ruddock a wandering guide enjoying endless summers

90 day overland travel budget in Peru 2022

How to Plan Your Own Tour of Peru Step by Step with Supporting Documents and Map

90 Day Lodging Costs for Peru

These frugal stays were overall very nice. All of my stays were in private rooms with private bathrooms. Some stay even included breakfast. Video lodging reviews of all my stays during Peru Trip 2021-2022. It would be possible to stay in hostel dormitories for even less. However due to covid concerns and basic security I spent a little more. I still managed to spend less than a total of $1050 on lodging during my 90 day visit to southern Peru. I even visited Machu Picchu during this adventure. I think lodging for less than $350/month is not a bad deal especially while travelling to new places and moving about with a relatively open itinerary.

90 Transportation Costs in Peru During 2022

My total transportation costs in Peru during a 90 day trip were less than $275. I did take a few taxis but mostly walked locally. Urubamba was a great base for visiting the Sacred Valley. Transportation was easy and very cheap to all the sights. In the future I may spend less time in Cusco and more time in Urubamba. I prefer riding buses during the day to see the local scenery.

Map of Locations to Visit and Stay in Southern Peru

This map lists nine cities worth a stay as you travel the southern Peru classic tourist's circuit. Links to all but one of my stay in a Hotel at the Pueblo of Machu Picchu. It was omitted due to being substandard. Additionally may of the tourist attractions and historic sites are linked as well.

Questions and Answers

How much money do you need per day in Peru?

My average lodging cost was less than $12/day; see lodging spreadsheet for details or map for actual locations. All rooms were private with private bathrooms. It would be possible to stay even cheaper in dormitories at hostels. You could eat out for as little at $10/day. If you eat like a local breakfast of luch will cost about $2.50 each and supper will cost about $5. The local mercado is a good choice to eat frugal yet fresh food. If you have access to a kicthen and cook your own meals costs could be much lower. So room and board costs could be covered for $22/day. Transportation costs were low but depend upon where you want to go and how. I traveled overland from Lima to Macchu Picchu and back for less than $275 as detailed in my transportation spreadsheet.


I primarily travel solo but you don't have to to enjoy this channel. Working as a river guide during summers in North America I don't earn a lot of money and live close to the federal poverty level. In spite of this I live a rich life on a frugal budget. If you would like to learn more about traveling in Latin America or maybe frugal travel tips visit Fast Fred Travels and if you would like to come rafting with me check out Fast Fred Rafts for details.