This method works in other Latin American countries too. I used the same method in Mexico where you can visit any OXXO store or phone shop etc. In Mexico I am using TelCel and the SIM will also work in the United States and Canada if you are looking for a more affordable option.
My total cellular costs for 90 days in Peru came to s/ 90 ($22.50). I enjoyed fast internet and no data issues.
00:00 Intro
00:35 Where to go to prepay your cellular
00:57 Inkafarma and cheat note in Spanish
01:32 Tips for buying your sim chip
02:20 You need an unlocked phone
02:54 Closing
Here are some frugal tips for great cellular coverage at huge savings in Peru as well as Ecuador. Don't get gringo taxed or pay your existing cellular company outrageous fees. I only pay s/ 30 or $7.50/month with up to 30gb of data.
How to get cellular phone coverage in Peru for $7.50/month! Not only is this cheaper than using your American plan abroad it is also fast with great bandwidth. It is hard to beat 30gb per month (30 days) for $7.50 with Movistar. Alternately I could pay Verizon $10/day plus the normally high monthly bill. I have used Claro and Movistar in the past. I find Movistar to be preferable.
If you are planing a visit to Ecuador and have any questions about the logistics please feel free to reach out or leave comments below. I am always happy to help. I strive to support the local economy and especially the local Ecuadorian owned businesses
You can also use these same services in reverse to catch a bus to the airport on your way back home. Learn more here
I primarily travel solo but you don't have to to enjoy this channel. Working as a river guide during summers in North America I don't earn a lot of money and live close to the federal poverty level. In spite of this I live a rich life on a frugal budget. If you would like to learn more about traveling in Latin America or maybe frugal travel tips visit Fast Fred Travels and if you would like to come rafting with me check out Fast Fred Rafts for details.
Curious about how I can travel so light? Want to know more about the gear I carry abroad on my extend trips in Latin America? Here's your chance dig into my Amazon shop for an inside look. If you make purchases via this shop I will get a very small commission but it will not increase your price what so ever.