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Memorial Day on the Green River in WNC

May 24-26, 2008

Members of ABATE of SC gathered at GRCMMCC near Saluda over the Memorial Day Weekend to celebrate another successful legislative session. Other local pals dropped by to paddle or grill out. I tried out my new waterproof camera; why the camera proved to be waterproof, many shots were later found to be blurry or out of focus. However the video function worked better than expected. The upper and lower sections of the green were run over the three day weekend. ~FF

Kevin and Scott


Sandy and Kevin Surfing

Lower Green

Sandy swiming lower green


Upper green put in

FF on upper green


FF running Bayless Boof

Bayless Boof

Jamie's Bayless Boof Video

Upper Green Waterfall

I-26 Bridge



Ledge below Pinball

Green River Access





Sandy and Kevin


Lower Green

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