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Paddling the Upper and Lower Green River at 60%

May 31 - June 1, 2008

Videos of the Upper Green's Three Notable Features

FastFred running Pinball on the Upper Green
Video: FastFred running Pinabll at 60%

Running the Green River on a Low Day with a 60% Flow

FF's Shuttle Vehicle
FF's Shuttle Vehicle
FF on the Upper Green
FastFred below Bayless' Boof
FF on the Upper Green
FF on the Upper Green

The upper green becomes much more technical at 60%. Bayless Boof is likely best run through the upper hole at 60%. Wanda's Hole has no green water on the left side at 60%. Pinball adds a few hidden slides when water gets down to 60%. A few photos from a couple of low runs on the lower green are also tossed in at the bottom including the surf wave.

Derek scouting Bayless Boof

Bayless Boof

Pool below Bayless Boof

Bayless Boof at 60%

Upper Green Scenery

I-26 above the Green River

Pinball at 60% on the upper

Lower green paddle

Green River Cove

Lower green play wave

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