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NCOM 2004

OK Memorial & NCOM

The Oklahoma bombing memorial was a sight to be seen but certainly not uplifting; I don't recommend it as a must see sight in OKC. After visiting the memorial i rode to the Cattlemen Cafe in the stockyards and had a great steak and beer. During Friday's workshops I found enough time to speak with Tiger Mike the State Coordinator of ABATE of OK; we traded notes on our two states' battles to legalize tattooing. I met quite a few other interesting folks from around the world as you can see from the pictures below.


Boyd surveying bomb damage

Several CBA members

Jesse now of GA

Spot, Ranger, and Animal

Tiger Mike

Southeastern Regional Meeting

NCOM 2004

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Biker Sticker/Patch - Don't Tread on Me - I Refuse to Allow My Civil Servant to Run My Life
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