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Wilson Creek Virtual Tour @ -6"

Many paddlers prefer to attempt personal first descents (PFD) of Wilson Creek at lower levels. Negative six inches on the bridge gauge is generally considered optimal for a PFD. Be sure you have appropriate skills and a competent guide before attempting a first descent of this run. Blind drops should always be checked for strainers.

Rapids of Wilson Creek

Rapids are listed in the order of encounter. Some rapids are known by more than one name; below are the names generally used by the locals.

Mank Above Ten Foot (Class IV, Mile 0.3)

Hug Idaho rock and aggressively bang your way down to a large staging eddy. Be prepared to switch edges rapidly as required.

Ten Foot Falls (Class IV, Mile 0.3)

The approach to Ten Foot Falls begins with a four foot boof. Take the boof seriously as a sieve lurks to the right of the landing. Continue to paddle as the river sweeps gently to the left with a tricky class III entrance rapid. Aim just left of the in-stream boulder at the lip of the falls. The ten foot 45 degree slide ends with an interesting hole; for best results aim for the left side of the hole. You can scout his drop while running shuttle or get out at the last staging eddy to shore scout.

Broken Toilet (Class IV, Mile 0.4)

Ledge hole with a few lines and right slot sneak. The standard line begins near left center of the drop and follows a 45 degree ramp on the ledge towards river left. The hole can also be boofed on the river right side of the ledge. However I have seen play boat blow this line and have long chats with the hole at higher levels. Be careful this hole is so named because it will not flush swimmers and has been the site of a near drowning. Scouting this drop maybe wise.

Boatbuster (Class IV, Mile 0.5)

Boatbuster and Thunderhole are nearly back to back drops in fast current due to the narrowing width of the creek. This drop can also be scouted while running shuttle or from shore by catching an eddy on river left. The creek bends to the left as it drops. Use the boof flake and boof hard. Note that part of the shelf extending from the square boulder is dry at -6" so stay in the water and avoid drying up.

Thunderhole (Class IV, Mile 0.5)

Paddle aggressively and run the obvious tongue. Expect fast squirrelly water and maintain traction with an active blade. Be aware of the large undercut rock on river left after this drop.

Dental Work (Class III, Mile 0.5)

This ledge is below thunderhole with a man-made wall on the left as the river kicks right. Boat scout before running. There are several lines depending upon water level. If you flip here you may learn why this rapid is named Dental Work.

Triple Drop (Class IV, Mile 1.0)

Avoid going sideways into the sticky hole at the bottom. Paddle aggressively and avoid the pencil rocks. You can boof in from the right carefully choosing your landing zone or bang down form the top. The submerged rock in the middle drop can launch boats into the small left wall eddy. This is often the site of interesting play boat carnage. Scout carefully.

Bitchslap (Class IV, Mile 1.1)

This rapid begins with a tight slot move on river left at -6". Then you bang and ferry across to a staging eddy that can hold at least three boats. Leaving the staging eddy the creek is fast and tight. Paddle aggressively choosing your lines and avoiding rocks.

Maytag (Class III, Mile 1.1)

Maytag is possibly the most dangerous place on the river. You know you are approaching Maytag when you see blast rock along the steep river left bank. Get out on the beach at the end of the pool on river right. Note the hole feeds into a large undercut rock. Also note the features of the ledge. This ledge is generally run near the center with some right boat angle.

Auto Boof (Class IV, Mile 1.2)

Run the left side auto-boof. At low water this could be considered boat abuse. Scout for alternate lines.

Approach to Razorback (Class III+, Mile 1.2)

The largest drop in this section has a piton rock in the center, safely avoid it by boofing the right side. This drop can be run left or right.

Razorback (Class IV, Mile 1.2)

A big sliding ledge drop into a narrow slot headed river left. Possible eddy to catch in the right corner on purpose or by accident. An autoboof opens up by -3" and allows one to boof sideways into the current for a smooth ride. It is easy to piton into the wall as this video depicts.

Pretty Ugly (Class III+, Mile 1.4)

Run from right to left. Get your right knee as close to the rock as possible and paddle aggressively. Choose your line don't let the river choose it for you. Avoid the pencil rock. Your run will be pretty or it will be ugly. This is a bad place to flip.

Hidden Eddy

A couple of quick ledge drops with a cool move above the first ledge. Catch the hidden eddy!

The above video clips were filmed at -6" on Saturday, April 24, 2010 during Carolina Canoe Club's Creeking Advanced Clinic.

Railslide (Class III, Mile 1.7)

Railslide follows a big pool called Bathtub. Bathtub has a fun rockslide into the pool on river left. Railslide can be boofed on the left or center. Railslide can be slid from left to right or as a nice sharp S-turn. Alternate lines become available a higher water.

This video clip was filmed at -4" on March 20, 2010.

Additional Resources:


Creeking boating can be fun. However be sure you have the required skills and a competent guide before attempting your first descent. All information on this page, including descriptions of rapids, gauges and levels, is subject to change without notice. Like a guidebook, this information is intended as a service to the paddling community and should never be viewed as a substitute for careful river-reading, scouting, and assessment of skills. Mother nature reserves the right to rearrange her house at any time and especially during storms and floods; rocks may move and strainers may move or be added.

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