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Biker Scavenger Hunt on Opening Day of the Legislature

Photos and article by FastFred Ruddock

ABATE owned the day; bikers greatly out numbered all other citizens and paid lobbyists combined. Roughly 200 Bikers answered the threats made by paid lobbyists and safety nannies calling for a tougher helmet law. We left no doubt in the minds of the legislators that we strongly oppose any modification of the current South Carolina helmet law. Our current helmet law allows those at least 21 to choose their own safety equipment without artificial consequences created by the state.

2008 Lobby Day/Scavenger Hunt PatchThis year marked the third anniversary of the legislative scavenger hunt. Bikers set off through out the capitol complex in search of items to win points in a game interwoven with practical purpose. Early in the day the governor requested a photo op with the many bikers present. We also saw the usual folks paid to influence our elected officials but they were few and brought only money to bribe but no votes to deliver.

Safety Sam played by Ralph Bell came to brighten up the day with some street theater. Safety Sam ran about telling all the bikers to go home. You see Safety Sam works for NHSTA and he knows what is best for all us poor bikers: first helmets then an outright ban on motorcycles. Safety Sam warned all the bikers they were wasting tax dollars by making his job harder but he assured us he would not quit trying to pass laws to save us from ourselves. Concerned bikers ejected Safety Sam despite his protests.

Those who actively participated in the scavenger hunt earned a special patch only available those who took part on opening day. Over one hundred bikers earned the 2008 Scavenger Hunt/Lobby Day Patch. Steal this idea to support biker rights at your state capitol. If you need or would like help organizing a scavenger hunt at your SMRO’s opening lobby day please make contact.

Governor's Photo Op

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