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Waikiki on the island of Oahu, Luau with Dad and the family

June 15, 2006

Waikiki is a very tourist oriented city; I found the city to much like Miami and similar large city tourist traps. However there were interesting sites to see near by. Diamond Head was a short walk away. The surf at Waikiki was decent since the waves come from the South during the Summer; I hit the waves on my first day. I spent my first evening with my dad, little brother Kyle, and extended family a Luau within walking distance of our hotel. Due to the time difference from the East Coast and my time in the waves, and a long mid day walk I called it an early night on my first full day.

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Biker Sticker/Patch - Don't Tread on Me - I Refuse to Allow My Civil Servant to Run My Life
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