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S141 Gang Bill Public Meeting Wrap Up

Written by FastFred Ruddock, April 17, 2006
Photos by Lynn and Missy

Gang Bill Public Hearing

The bikers who attended the public meeting concerning S141 in Columbia Tuesday April 17, 2006 deserve thanks for a job well done. Those in attendance can sure tell you that the majority of citizens present share our concerns. Many of the faith community echoed our issues.

FF adressing the committee about the gang bill

Our own Cliff Dalton did an excellent job presenting the flaws of this bill and its lack of prevention. Additionally Cliff did a lot of first class research and provided source material to the subcommittee to support his presentation. After the meeting several black ministers and preachers came to Cliff to thank him for his words and help with this issue. Several members of the faith community and community leaders gave us their business cards wish to join with us in helping to craft a better bill to deal with youth gangs. This is likely because the subcommittee has invited us to help correct the language of the bill we find problematic. Jeff Coleman deserves the lion’s share of the credit for this giant leap forward. While the subcommittee was asking me questions Jeff slipped me a note highlighting language written solely for labor unions. I am sure the ILA demanded this language considering the Charleston 5 incident in recent history.

ABATE members at gang hearing

Ralph Bell batted clean up for us and picked up right where Cliff left off.

Cliff, Fastfred, and Roach after gang hearing

If nothing else Cliff and Ralph did a lot to improve the public image of ABATE and to create bridges into the minority community. I am sure the old timers recall how important the black caucus was in amending our helmet law back in day. Additionally the black caucus has made or broken other issues such as the seat belt bill in the recent past. More importantly our two groups have common interests.

Relaxing after the public gang hearing

All told about two dozen ABATE members attended the public meeting. Among those present were Ricky D, Jerry Jordan, Connie Coleman, FU, Lynn, Breez, Roach, Missy, and others. Forgive me for not naming everyone but I am doing this from memory not notes and you know about my CRS.

Again thank you each and all for attending and thank you each and all who have called the House Judiciary Committee concerning this gang bill S141.


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