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The Best Defense is a Strong Offense

By FastFred

South Carolina bikers unite. I suggest the time has come to be proactive rather than sitting back and being reactive to the actions of those inclined to legislate away our freedoms. There is a bill in our general assembly that addresses the problem of bikers stuck at red lights controlled by traffic sensors that do not detect motorcycles. The senate version of the bill is S 1027.

Currently S 1027 sits in the Senate Transportation Committee. The chair of this committee is seeking a statewide office and will likely be inclined to listen to the 100,000 strong voting block of motorcyclists in South Carolina. Add to this block of 100,000 votes the close friends and family members of bikers and you can see the true power in numbers. If you would like to help please contact, the chair of the Senate of the Senate Transportation Committee, Senator Ryberg and ask him to move S 1027:

Senator W. Greg Ryberg
203 Gressette Bldg.
Columbia, SC 29202
(803) 212-6400

However we are taking a two prong approach to the problem of defective traffic sensors; we are lobbying the legislature and SCDOT to correct the problem. Even if you do not support passing S 1027 please help us report defect traffic sensors to SCDOT. Be sure to carefully describe the location and nature of the problem for each of the sensors that you report to Mr Leaphart of SCDOT Traffic Engineering:

Andrew T. Leaphart, PE
SCDOT - Traffic Engineering
955 Park Street - Room 530
Columbia, SC 29201
(803) 737-1994
(803) 737-0271 fax

Many motorcyclists have resorted to purchasing a variety of products designed to help increase detection by inductive loop traffic sensors. I have personally tested these devices on my motorcycles and was greatly disappointed by lack luster performance. I suggest you save your money because these devices do not work. The Motorcycle Consumer News February 2006 issue says “… testing indicates that little strap-on magnets are ineffective and not worth the bother. Some much larger units we’ve seen tap into your bike’s electrical system for more power and are more effective but also very heavy and not worth the expense.”

As I sit and write this article efforts are under way to introduce a companion bill in the house; I suspect as you read this the bill has already been introduced. If you have questions, thoughts or concerns about this article or others I’ve written please provide feedback.

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