The Snakebite Kevin StoryStarring Dietrich "Rubber Duck" Bradley the Mayor of the Green River Cove and Kevin "Snakebite" Waldrop with special guests FastFred and Steven Houser. Filmed on location near the scene of the crime in the Green River Cove. How Snakebite earned his name from the Cove Kids. These seemingly tall tales begin when Kevin tries to hide his drinking from his mother by sneaking into the lower cove to hide beer at GRCMMCC. Later he fibbed that he was going to paddle the lower green. However as is often the case he never made it past GRCMMCC and his beer stash. Unfortunately the river gods were not pleased and sent a baby copperhead to counsel Kevin. On the other hand it could have been too much beer and poor judgement among the members of his party.
Enjoy the video and remember the next time you paddle or tub the Lower Green near Saluda, North Carolina that it is safer in the river than along the bank. |
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