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Video and Photos from the Unofficial FPC River Trips on the Upper Green June 6 & 7, 2009

aka the 360 clinic as tagged by one participant

Bayles' Boof: one runs while others scout...
One FPC member dues paying or otherwise runs Bayles' Boof as others scout

Bayles' Boof Video: June 6, 2009

Father and Son tag team 360 Hole

Riveraholic surfs 360 Hole

FastFred Surfing 360 Hole

Mitch surfs 360 Hole

One of two dams on Big Hungry River
One of Two Dams on Big Hungry River: June 7, 2009

John's run of Bayles' Boof June 7, 2009

Trent at Bayles' Boof June 7, 2009

Bayles' Boof

Hornet's Guard Bayles' Boof Island
Hornets at work guarding Bayles' Boof

These Pinball Vidoes were shot from an eddy between the drops:

Trent at Pinball

Judith at Pinball

John at Pinball

Big Hungry River
Big Hungry River below the road

Waterfall above nameless ledge on the Upper Green
Waterfall just ablove nameless ledge on the Upper Green

Waterfall just below Pinball on the Upper Green
Waterfall just below Pinball on the Upper Green

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