FastFred's Motorcycle Rights E-zine: Biker Rights, Events, Articles, and Pictures
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Celebrating victory in the mountains of WNC

Photos and article by FastFred, September 13-16, 2007

September 13th was a lucky day as my most recent helmet ticket was dismissed by the Assistant District Attorney. I had an enjoyable ride to Lanrum for cheap gas and a scenic ride through Tryon, Saluda, Hendersonville to Asheville. I saw some old friends and made a few more new friends. The rest of the weekend was spent near the river relaxing and discussing politics and strategy.

Dirty Jack's Tasting Room

Columbus Courthouse

Downtown Saluda

Wild Boar and Veggies

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Biker Sticker/Patch - Don't Tread on Me - I Refuse to Allow My Civil Servant to Run My Life
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