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North West SC ABATE Meeting, August 2007

Article and photos by FastFred Ruddock

The NWSC ABATE of SC chapter conducted an efficient and orderly meeting. Every member of the chapter was given the opportunity to speak during the round table session at the end of the meeting. NWSC organized a poker run and raised $1,400 for Joey Mathis. Bill Murry also donated his second place winnings of $125.00 to Joey. The checks were excepted by Rhonda George and Chuck Guthrie on behalf of Joey. Joey had a fall but not on a bike and could not attend the meeting. Rhonda is Joey's better half and Chuck is president of the Cherokee Chapter of the Warlocks; both are ABATE members in good standing. Presenting the checks on behalf of the N.West S. C. chapter were Kathi Liflander Treasurer and Yankee Dave, Assistant Coordinator.

Yankee Dave

High Roller


Check presentation

In addition to being informative and orderly this meeting was also entertaining at times.

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