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Paddling the Green River During the Dog Days of Summer

Upper Green Videos are posted at the bottom of this page!

Speedy James

Near Bayless' Boof

Scott at Bayless' Boof
James, Kim, Nick, Scott and I paddled the upper green August 2nd. We had a rather fast run but took some time to catch eddies and play. Later James, Scott, and I parked at the lower green's play wave to play for several hours.


Preparing for the hike

Night Ride?

Sunset in the Cove

Pinball's first drop
Saturday August 9th Trent, Kylie, Scott, Rick, and I paddled the upper green. This was Scott's first decent down the upper; he did quite fine as you can see in videos below. I had a good day running Bayless' Boof and Pinball three times each. I ran Wanda's Hole twice for good measure. Trent made the hike out look easy.

End of 0.6 mile hike uphill

Scott, Trent, Kylie, and Rick

Water off at Tuxedo

Sandy the Green River Dog

Tim aka riveraholic and Jason

Sandy's human, Kevin
Many regular paddlers of the lower green gathered to paddle Sunday August 10th. Jake, Jason, Mark, and Trish also joined us for fun on the lower green. Jake was only 8 years old and paddling his own boat on whitewater for the first time. Jake had a flawless run despite being attacked by a large river walrus at Superman. Barry gave me some pointers for better 360's at the play wave.

Jake and Jason thread through tubs

Mark of Brews Cruise

Trish the other half of Brew Cruise

Kevin, Sandy, and Tim

Jason at play wave

Jake above Rita's Rock

Upper Green Kayak Videos

Some of the following videos were shot from the bow of my creek boat as I ran the rapids. Rick shot a few as well while I played at Bayless' Boof. Please provide feedback below regarding your experience with the videos below.


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