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West Virginia Bikers Attend ABATE of WV's Legislative Seminar

Photos and Article by FastFred Ruddock, January 15, 2007

The bikers of ABATE of West Virginia once again organized a legislative seminar as a primer for the opening of their legislative session. Celeste did an excellent job organizing this year’s seminar; most participants look forward to returning next year. Leaders of the motorcyclists' rights were invited from national and state organizations. This year I was one of the lucky recipients of an invitation to come speak to the bikers of West Virginia. They further request that I speak on the topic of civil disobedience and the Constitution. I felt this was quite appropriate since the seminar was scheduled for Martin Luther King's weekend. Additional heavy hitters such as Terry Cook of AMA and Hawk the leader of Sons of Liberty Riders were asked to address topics within their experience. Terry's leadership presentation was enlightening to those both new and old to the movement. I look forward to having more leave next year so I may accompany ABATE of WV's legislative warriors to the capitol for the opening day.



Rain Maker



Terry Cook

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