FastFred's Motorcycle Rights E-zine: Biker Rights, Events, Articles, and Pictures
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Oregon Motorcycle Laws and Information

Legislature | State Motorcyclists Rights Organization (SMRO)

Motorcycle helmet law:

Chapter 814 — Pedestrians; Passengers; Livestock; Motorized Wheelchairs; Vehicles With Fewer Than Four Wheels

814.269     Failure of motorcycle operator to wear motorcycle helmet; penalty

(1) A person commits the offense of failure of a motorcycle operator to wear a motorcycle helmet if the person operates a motorcycle and is not wearing a motorcycle helmet.

Other motorcycle laws:


Chapter 814 — Pedestrians; Passengers; Livestock; Motorized Wheelchairs; Vehicles With Fewer Than Four Wheels

814.200     Unlawful operation of motorcycle or moped; penalty

814.210     Operation of moped on sidewalk or bicycle trail; penalty

814.220     Motorcyclist clinging to another vehicle; penalty

814.230     Moped operator or rider clinging to other vehicle; penalty

814.240     Motorcycle or moped unlawful passing; penalty

814.250     Moped or motorcycle operating more than two abreast; penalty

814.260     Failure of moped operator to wear motorcycle helmet; penalty

814.269     Failure of motorcycle operator to wear motorcycle helmet; penalty

814.275     Failure of motorcycle passenger to wear motorcycle helmet; penalty

814.280     Endangering motorcycle passenger; penalty

814.290     Exemptions from motorcycle helmet requirements

814.310     Illegal alteration of moped; penalty

814.320     Failure to display lighted headlights; exceptions; penalty

814.325     Carrying passenger on motorcycle; penalty

814.330     Carrying passenger on moped; penalty

814.340     Riding as passenger on moped; penalty

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